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Frida Stene-Slotte Partner Advokat

Frida har omfattende erfaring med finansiering, restrukturering og kapitalmarkedstransaksjoner. Hun bistår både långivere og låntakere i norske og internasjonale låneavtaler, syndikert og strukturert lånefinansiering samt utstedelse av obligasjonslån på tvers av bransjer.
  1. Chambers & Partners Global and Europe
    Up and Coming, Capital Markets: Debt

  2. IFLR1000
    Rising Star, Capital Markets: Debt

  3. IFLR1000
    Rising Star, Financial restructuring

  4. The Legal 500
    Recommended Lawyer, Capital Markets

    "Excellent legal skills. Expedient and accurate and able to deal with a number of highly complex legal matters at the same time."

  5. The Legal 500
    Recommended Lawyer, Insolvency and Corporate Recovery

    "Frida Stene-Slotte is very smart, and handles both the legal and strategic sides of a restructuring/insolvency superbly. She is an invaluable part of the team, from the client perspective, due to her responsiveness and client follow up."

  6. The Legal 500
    Recommended Lawyer, Insolvency and Corporate Recovery

  1. Partner, Oslo, Thommessen

  2. Managing Associate, Oslo, Thommessen

  3. Senior Associate, Oslo, Thommessen

  4. Advokatbevilling

  5. Juridisk rådgiver, Swedbank AB (publ)

  6. Senior Associate, Oslo, Thommessen

  7. Associate, Oslo, Thommessen

  1. Master i rettsvitenskap
    Universitetet i Oslo