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Christopher Borch Partner Advokat

Chris jobber hovedsakelig med kjøp og salg, utvikling, utleie og syndikering av næringseiendom. I tillegg har han lang erfaring med prosedyre av eiendomssaker for voldgiftsrett og de alminnelige domstoler. Nasjonale og internasjonale kåringer fremhever Chris som en av landets ledende eksperter innen næringseiendom.
  1. Chambers & Partners Europe
    Band 1, Real Estate

    "Though complications arose during the process, he was excellent at staying focused and demonstrated both his own expertise and that of the wider Thommesen team."
    "He is experienced and has proven his competence in different matters. He dares to share views of the risk in different situations, which is highly valuable; furthermore, he always offers solutions."

  2. Kapiatls Advokatundersøkelse
    Topp 5, Fast eiendom

  3. The Legal 500
    Hall of Fame, Real Estate

    "Christopher Borch is the best within real estate law in Norway in my opinion."
    "Christopher Borch – The long-term partner with a great overview who gives you the best strategic advice."

  4. Who's Who Legal
    Recommended, Real Estate

    "Christopher is one of the best in the market"

  5. IFLR1000
    Notable Practitioner, M&A

  1. Partner, Oslo, Thommessen

  2. Senior Associate, Oslo, Thommessen

  3. Advokatfullmektig/Fast advokat, Wikborg Rein

  4. Dommerfullmektig, Drammen byrett

  5. Advokatfullmektig, Kommuneadvokaten i Oslo

  6. Fullmektig, Sinclair Roche & Temperley, Hong Kong

  1. Eksamen i Grunnleggende prosjektledelse (5 studiepoeng)
    Skema Business School

  2. Cand jur
    Universitetet i Oslo