
Magnus Hauge Greaker Partner Advokat (H)

Magnus works with patent, trademark, copyright and trade secrets litigation, for clients within life sciences, oil and oil-service, aquaculture and other technology. Magnus' experience also covers marketing law, pharmaceutical regulatory law and administrative law.
  1. Chambers & Partners Global and Europe
    Ranked, Intellectual Property

    "Magnus is an excellent counsel and provides a strong commercial vision."
    "Magnus is an outstanding patent litigator and rapidly masters the technical side of complex cases."

  2. WTR 1000
    Gold Band, Enforcement and litigation

    "Exceptional expertise in litigation and strategic counsel, particularly within the energy and offshore sectors. His reputation in the industry is built on a strong track record of success and a deep understanding of the complex challenges faced by these markets.”

  3. Lexology Index
    Recommended, IP - Patents

  4. The Legal 500
    Next Generation Partner, Intellectual Property

    "Magnus Greaker is a legal encyclopaedia. He knows everything there is to know about the law, and has an overview of the details of the case that is impressive"

  5. WTR 1000
    Silver Band, Enforcement and litigation

  6. IP Stars
    Notable Practitioner, Norway

  7. IAM Patent 1000
    Gold band, Litigation

    Magnus Hauge Greaker is an exceptional patent and trade secrets litigator, and an all-round “pleasure to work with”. He is a reliable favourite among clients for his “quick thinking and ability to understand and identify the issues at hand”.

  8. The Norwegian Financial Daily's annual Lawyer survey
    Top 5 Up and Coming, Intellectual Property

  9. Client Choice Awards (Lexology)
    Exclusive Winner, Life Sciences Norway

  1. Admitted to the Supreme Court

  2. Partner, Oslo, Thommessen

  3. Managing Associate, Oslo, Thommessen

  4. Senior Associate, Oslo, Thommessen

  5. Acting Deputy Director General, Norwegian Ministry of Justice, Legislation Department

  6. Legal Adviser, Norwegian Ministry of Justice, Legislation Department

  7. General Counsel, Norwegian Ministry of Justice, Legislation Department

  8. Acting Chief Justice, Nordfjord District Court

  9. Admitted to the bar

  10. Higher Executive Officer, Norwegian Ministry of Justice, Legislation Department

  11. Deputy Judge, Nordfjord District Court

  1. Exam in Essential Project Management (5 ECTS)
    Skema Business School

  2. Candidate in Jurisprudence
    University of Oslo

  1. Article on compensation and damages for infringement of intellectual property rights, together with Camilla Vislie, in book published by Scandinavian University Press

  2. The chapter about Norway in Global Patent Litigation (Kluwer Law International), together with Camilla Vislie

  3. Article in Brandnews 6/2016: To new judgments from the Supreme Court of Norway, together with Camilla Vislie

  4. Article in NIR 6/2006: The directive 2004/48/EU of 29 April, 2004, on the enforcement of intellectual property rights and Norwegian law

  5. Artikkel in NIR 1/2005: The Community patent - can we reach a joint Nordic understanding?