Legal developments

– Dispute resolution is about more than just going to court

Henrik Møinichen 1

Lawyer Henrik Møinichen has several years of experience with dispute resolution and advising clients within shipping, insurance, oil and gas and other industries. On 1 January 2024, he will join Thommessen's partnership, after ten years with the firm.

– The thought of becoming a partner one day has likely been there from the beginning. Not necessarily with a clear goal of becoming one, but as a possibility. Over time, the idea has gradually become more and more realistic, he says.

Traditional and alternative dispute resolution

Henrik works with everything related to marine casualties and other liability issues within the maritime sector, marine and non-marine insurance disputes, as well as final settlement disputes in construction projects.

– For me, dispute resolution is about much more than just going to court. I really enjoy the combination of close client contact and daily follow-up of projects, with both traditional and alternative dispute resolution, Henrik says.

Disputes within the maritime sector and other industries often find their solution through court mediation. However, other forms of alternative dispute resolution are also widely used. Henrik explains that a significant part of his work involves providing such advisory services.

– I have very good experience with out-of-court mediation, where the parties appoint mediators with relevant background and expertise. The parties can bring in the expertise that seems appropriate and, for example, "lock themselves in" at a pleasant place for a couple of days.

– When I assist insurance companies, the goal is to achieve a fair and accurate claims adjustment. This may involve difficult considerations of conflicting interests. However, it usually takes a lot before it escalates into a lawsuit, he continues.

Maritime interest

Henrik had two traineeships at Thommessen, in 2011 and 2012. On both occasions, he was a part of the shipping department.

– It was a bit of a coincidence that I ended up there, but it suited me well since I come from a sailing family and have practically grown up at sea. I have a strong interest in maritime affairs, which likely explains why I still heavily focus on cases with a maritime aspect, he says.

During his first traineeship, Henrik took part in a lawsuit together with Partner Pål Lieungh. This was the first case that brought Henrik into Thommessen.

– I was offered a job in the shipping department after my first period as a trainee, so I never really considered other law firms. I felt that I had found my place, and I kept close contact with the team until I completed my studies, he explains.

Nye partnere 10

On 1 January 2024, Henrik Møinichen, Anders Sunsdal and Nanette Arvesen will become part of Thommessen's partnership.

Finding your own path

When Henrik becomes a part of Thommessen's partnership on 1 January 2024, he will have gone through all the steps from trainee to partner at the same law firm.

– Thommessen is an excellent place to be, both professionally and socially. We have a conscious approach to ensuring that each individual gets the opportunity to find their own path, and we have fostered a positive culture with an open and honest dialogue, Henrik says.

His best advice to younger colleagues is to speak up about their wishes and not to keep anything to themselves.

– It's important to be honest about your interests and what you want to prioritize. You will receive even better follow-up and support if those around you are aware of your ambitions. In 2018/2019, I had a secondment with Kongsberg Gruppen, which was a valuable experience for me. This opportunity was made possible through Thommessen, Henrik concludes.

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